From 14.11.2016 to 15.11.2016 was held the first international meeting of the purchasing managers of RMA group of companies in Rheinau. At the meeting were invited purchasing managers of international production sites of Poland, Russia and Bahrain, as well as the managers of German plants.
During these two days every procurement department had convenient opportunity to present their goals for 2017, and also to submit a “problem areas” of their departments. At a joint seminar was generated a vision of how closer cooperation of different purchasing departments might look in order to use of synergy effects and benefits of the individual production sites and reduce costs in the field of material and technical supply.
In “Exit Room” team game and during a joint dinner were a lot of opportunities to get to know each other and share experiences. For many participants, it was important meet each other personally.
The positive resonance of the meeting showed that during the time of rapid electronic communication direct contact with each other is important in order to achieve common goals.
We wish all purchasing managers of RMA group of companies a good cooperation and success in the implementation of their goals.