Improve Operational Efficiency and Performance
Automated Process Control System
Implementation of Automation Solutions
At RMA Fiventures, we design automated process control systems that can be integrated into your plant control systems. Depending on your specific equipment, processes and requirements, we provide a customized system that best suits your business. Thus, we help improve productivity and quality, minimize human error and reduce engineering costs.
What We Offer
Technical design and system solutions for process control and safety system
Supply of specialists for third party system implementation and support
Solution for DCS, SCADA, PLC and HMI controls
Programming and troubleshooting
Complete supply of consoles, control panels and operator panels
Control system expansion, upgrade and migration
Our Advanced Automated Process
Control System
Our Advanced Automated Process Control System
Flow Computing, Metering and Gas Mixing SCADA System
Key Features
Sensor calibration
Local or remote maintenance for System Bus constructions
Data retrieval of USM with standardized Modbus interface
Process visualization (e.g. a gas analysis)
Capability to automate multiple gas stream switching for alternative fuel application
Administration of construction documents